Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MAUG Updates

There is Only Five Days Left to Register for MAUG's Upcoming Classes.
Registration for classes will end on the 1st of August

To register visit http://www.dfwmaug.com/

Class Descriptions
SQL 2005 ArcSDE Database Management Cost $450.00. Instructor Brian Besier. Class size:20The ArcSDE Geodatabse Management for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 teaches students to install, configure and manage an ArcSDE enterprise geodatabase using Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Topics covered include:
ArcSDE installation: Single database vs Multi-database storage models; Installing ArcSDE; Exploring ArcSDE system tables.
Security: Creating users and assigning privileges; use of database roles to manage users
Data loading: Creating vector feature classes; Creating raster datasets; Examining feature class components; Customizing storage with the DBTUNE table; Creating application server and direct connections
Managing editing in an ArcSDE geodatabase: Registering feature classes as versioned; Compressing the geodatabase; Monitoring changes to the adds, deletes, and system tables.
SQL Server 2005 database maintenance plans: Discussion of various SQL Server recovery models; creation of a sample back up plan; recovery of an SQL Server database.
Spatial Analysis Cost $350.00. Instructor David Allen. Class Size: 24Spatial analysis is what distinguishes GIS from other forms of digital map representations. It’s the problem-solving aspect of GIS, whether it’s done in the viewer’s brain or worked to a full conclusion on the map. The tools seem very basic — buffers, overlays, selections — but when combined in the correct sequence and symbolized sufficiently, they can reveal things about the data that can’t be seen in a spreadsheet or chart. Spatial analysis isn’t about making new data, but making the data you have say new things.This two-day course will cover skills such as classification; assessment of quantities and densities; location analysis; change over time, location, and value comparisons; geographic distribution; statistical pattern analysis; cluster / hot spot identification; and problem solving.
Included with the price of this class are three text books that will be provided to you. These are ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis Vol 1, ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis Vol 2, and GIS Tutorial II: Spatial Analysis Workbook.
Advanced Server Class Cost $600.00. Instructor IT Nexus programmer. Class size:20 The ArcGIS Server Course will cover the Administration task including configuring ESRI Templates (http://resources.esri.com/maptemplates/index.cfm?fa=codeGallery) with your data, Caching versus Dynamic Services, publishing and configuring Geocoding Services, publishing Image Services, publishing Geoprocessing Services and configuring ArcGIS Server Security.
Day two will include an in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of available ESRI programming APIs for ArcGIS Server. Students will work with the .Net ADF ESRI Web Map Template, ArcGIS JavaScript API, ArcGIS Flex API, and ArcGIS Silverlight/WPF environments to create sample applications.

GIS Program Management Cost $30.00. Class Size: 45. Instructor Peter CroswellToday, most government organizations have some type of GIS programs in place. They vary from being in their early stages, to rebuilding or tuning up phase, to completely being changed as new technologies and applications emerge. This workshop is designed to provide guidelines for managing your GIS program. It will look at the various organizational and technical issues program managers must address in order to develop a successful GIS program. The discussions will include managing all aspects of a GIS program from staffing and budgeting to procuring technology and working with vendors. A variety of real world examples will be presented showing a range of GIS programs and their implementations. This workshop presents an overview of successful and unsuccessful techniques for implementing GIS. Specific topics include:
Program development Project management techniques Budgeting Staffing Sustaining program support And managing consultants and vendors
Intended Audience: GIS Program Management is a must for anyone embarking upon a GIS program, involved with a less-than-successful GIS, or who is seeking ways to improve a successful implementation.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The City of Longview is pleased to announce that ArcGIS Desktop II has been scheduled for August 3rd, 4th, & 5th in the GIS training room at the City of Longview Public Works Service Center.

This is one of the new training classes for ArcGIS Desktop 9.3. This course builds on what was learned in ArcGIS Desktop I. I have included a description at the bottom.

If you would like to register or have questions concerning pricing please let me know prior to July 29th. We have eleven spots available.



Description:ArcGIS Desktop software is an integrated system that includes all the tools needed to get the most out of a GIS. This course teaches the range of functionality available in the software and the essential tools for visualizing, creating, managing, and analyzing geographic data. The hands-on course exercises emphasize practice with ArcMap and ArcCatalog (the primary applications included with ArcGIS Desktop software) to perform common GIS tasks and workflows. The tools for creating and managing geographic data, displaying data on maps in different ways, and combining and analyzing data to discover patterns and relationships are highlighted, and you learn how ArcGIS Desktop provides a complete GIS software solution. By the end of the course, you will be prepared to start working with the software on your own.

P.S. Mark you calendars! ArcGIS Desktop III is scheduled for September 1st & 2nd.

Justin Cure, GISPGIS ManagerESRI Authorized InstructorCity of LongviewP.O. Box 1952Longview, TX 75606(903)237-2700 Voice(817)239-7547 Cell(903)553-1859 Faxjcure@ci.longview.tx.uswww.LongviewGIS.com

Friday, July 24, 2009

SCAUG social at 2009 ESRI User Conference

Over 100 people attended the SCAUG social on Tuesday afternoon, July 14, 2009, at the ESRI User Conference in San Diego. If you were unable to make it, these photos should make you feel like you were there.

MAUG Happenings

MAUG Happenings

Deadline for Class Registration Approaching The deadline for the training during the week of August 17th is approaching rapidly. The 1st of August will be the last day to register for the SQL 2005 ArcSDE geodatabase, Advanced Server, Spatial Analysis classes and also the GIS Project Management URISA certified workshop. Don’t miss out on these specially designed classes that you can’t find any where else.

Upcoming MAUG meeting There is a MAUG meeting on the 21st of August at the University of North Texas, The agenda will be sent out shortly, but one of the items will be a recap of the 2009 ESRI User Conference. MAUG will also be hosting a social immediately after the meeting at the Boiler Room on the Square in Denton. To attend the social you must be an active MAUG member and have sent an RSVP. RSVPs can be sent to rwachal@highlandvillage.org.

MAUG Board Meeting There will be a MAUG board meeting 3:00 on the 4th of August. All active MAUG members are invited to attend. MAUG is requesting that any member that wishes to attend RSVP so that we can make sure space is available. RSVPs can be sent to dfwmaug@gmail.com

MAUG Live Learning Series MAUG has several upcoming sessions on the Live Learning Series, starting next week. For more information on the series visit www.dfwmaug.com

For more information about MAUG events or to register for the upcoming classes visit www.dfwmaug.com

Thursday, July 23, 2009

ESRI UC Plenary Session Videos Available Online

Watch the videos of the ESRI UC Plenary Session held July 13. Hear from Jack Dangermond, keynote speakers Hernando de Soto and Willie Smits, and leaders who are applying GIS in ground breaking ways. Plus, see demonstrations of the latest ESRI software. Check it out at http://www.esri.com/events/uc/agenda/plenary.html

Friday, July 10, 2009


Who's Tweeting from the ESRI User Conference (#ESRIUC) Here's a list!
Written by Glenn Letham (gletham)
Thursday, 09 July 2009

I recently posted a request on Twitter asking people to Re-Tweet a post if they planned on Tweeting from the #ESRIUC next week. The following are some of the people we heard from as well as a few Twitterers that I know will be tweeting from San Diego. If you want to follow some conference goers on Twitter then this is a great list to start with.

@gisuser - I have to promote us… @gisuser is our corp news feed where PR updates will be fed
@DewberryGISRcks Professional services firm and ESRI business partner from Fairfax, Va. Will be Tweeting results of GIS Rocks tourny from booth#415
@CarrieTurners from Carlsbad, CA will be Tweeting
@fizk will be #goingtoesriuc next week and following tweets, flying in Saturday evening.
@gisjourno Editor of ESRI’s ArcWatch online mag should be there I’m sure!
@hylandsoftware Hyland Software (Ohio) will be #goingtoesriuc - booth 1919
@ESRIUC the ESRI UC team will be tweeting I imagine!
@TedDriver GPS Engineer, Space enthusiast, general algorithmagician, author of The Nog will be in San Diego and Tweeting
@uncgrl84 marketing & pr for Overwatch Geospatial; volunteer; dog lover; avid traveler will be in San Diego and Tweeting
@BarMas - Barry likes Drinking beer, writing about beer, brewing beer and constantly learning about beer. Hailing from Ireland, but living in Germany. He will be at the UC
@USGIF will be at the event once again - see also http://www.usgif.org/
@Manatron Rachel from Manatron, a global leader in integrated property and records management solutions will be there
@martenhogeweg ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension Product Manager, GIS, interoperability will be tweeting
@NateStroud A guy in Redlands with dogs that does GIS at the University will be there and Tweeting!
@Reymous_GISAP from Birmingham, AL Will be a Tweetin
@aaronindenver deom Denver, CO will be there too!
@GIS_Day will be there promoting GIS Day!
@DianaDittemore of ESRI Marketing team will be there I’m sure!
@fantomplanet Virginia-based geo blogger will be there!
@cageyjames from Tempe, AZ will be there (although I don’t expect to see James drinking Kool-Aid ;0)
@geobabbler a Code-slinging geo-geek from Charlotte Hall, MD should be there a tweetin!
@gletham - and last but not least, yours truly will be there Tweeting, posting photos to flickr, Qik’ing live video streams and more… enjoy!
And no doubt many more Tweeters will be there Tweeting from San Diego. Remember to search #ESRIUC on Twitter for more updates. This list is not complete by any means so if you plan on Tweeting from the ESRI see this Twitter post and re-tweet it!

Job posting - Texas Water Development Board

The Texas Water Development Board has posted a new job vacancy:

StratMap Hydrography Specialist, TNRIS (Program Specialist VI)

Please see the link for more information.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


More #ESRIUC tips, Twitter Tweets, blogs, photos, news and more
by glenn
A couple of reminders to prep for next week’s ESRI USer Conference. First, recall you can browse all the Twitter activity from the event by searching (search.twitter.com) for hashtag #ESRIUC - we have an RSS feed of results on the left side-bar area. Recall you can also browse for images from the event via Flickr, again, the best keyword is likely esriuc, although I may also tag my photos with “ESRIUC09″ to be a bit more specific. Finally, for news and tips direct from ESRI I suggest you bookmark and check out the official ESRI event blog and be sure to check out our ESRI UC section at GISuser .

Monday, July 6, 2009

ESRI UC Facebook Page

Did you know that the ESRI UC has a Facebook page? It contains helpful information, photos, video previews of what will be discussed at the conference, etc. If you have a facebook account, become a fan at http://www.facebook.com/esriuc?ref=nf#/esriuc!
Don't forget to also become a fan of the SCAUG Facebook page at http://groups.to/scaugsouthcentralarcusersgroup/.

North Central Texas Council of Government GIS

I’m looking for speakers for our next Regional GIS meeting, which is scheduled for the end of October (no specific date yet).
The meeting is to be held at the beautiful new TCC Campus in Downtown Fort Worth!

We would like to expand this meeting to include some afternoon breakout sessions, so I will need to schedule several more speakers than at past meetings.
Please email me if you have an interesting GIS or spatially relevant topic you would like to present on.

Remember, this is a great opportunity to get public speaking experience, wow your peers and also get points towards your GISP.

I look forward to hearing from everyone.

Shelley Broyles Stenoien
Senior Information Analyst
North Central Texas Council of Governments
Research & Information Services
616 Six Flags Dr.
Arlington, Texas 76005
Ph# 817-695-9156
Fax# 817-640-4428

ETUG Updates

The next East Texas GIS & GPS User Group meeting is July 10th

at the TXDOT office in Lufkin from 10:30-1:00.

The TXDOT office is located at 1805 N Timberland Dr. Below is a link to a map:


Johnny Brown, Shane Diaz, and Mike Coffee from the Columbia Center in Nacogdoches will be discussing geodatabase replication with DETCOG. As always, lunch will be served. Please RSVP to jcure@ci.longview.tx.us. See you next week!

MAUG Updates

Next MAUG Meeting will be August 21:

The next MAUG meeting will be August 21st at the University of North Texas. MAUG will be hosting a User Conference Recap. The recap will be provided by MAUG members that attended the User Conference in San Diego. Come to hear what they experienced while at the User Conference.

Metroplex Arc User Group Training

17- 20 August

17-18 August - SQL 2005 ArcSDE Geodatabase Management. Cost $450.00
17-18 August - Spatial Analysis. Cost $350.00
19-20 August - Advanced Server. Cost $600.00
20 August - GIS Program Management a URISA Certified Workshop. Cost $30.00

Registration Deadline is 1 August, 2009

Visit http://www.dfwmaug.com/ for more information

Live Learning Series:
The Live Learning Series is up and running. We also have several sessions scheduled over the next few months. The online training is free to all and members can view the past sessions through the Archived Live Learning Series link with their password. For a complete Schedule visit http://www.dfwmaug.com/.

MAUG Board Meeting: The next MAUG Board Meeting will be held on August 4th, 2009 at 3:00 pm, as always our members are welcome to attend the board meeting and have input into your organization. The meeting location will be 8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas TX 75231 on the 8th floor. All members are invited but we do ask that you RSVP so we can make arrangements for everyone attending. RSVPs can be sent to http://www.dfwmaug.com/.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Texas GIS Forum Registration Opens - Call for Papers

TNRIS has opened registration for the 2009 Texas GIS Forum. Please see the link for registration, exhibitor, paper/poster and information packet sponsorship details. The deadline to submit papers for the Forum is Friday, July 31, 2009.

Texas GIS Forum
Oct. 5-9, 2009
JJ Pickle Campus
Austin, TX


SCAUG Meeting & Social at the ESRI User Conference

SCAUG will be hosting a meeting/social at the ESRI User Conference. Come meet your peers from around the SCAUG region, learn about SCAUG, and more. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Open to SCAUG members and UC attendees from the SCAUG region.
See page 11 of the 2009 ESRI UC Agenda.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ArcPad 8 Training Opportunity

Rell Fowler of Pape-Dawson is seeking participants for a training program for ArcPad 8 in San Antonio. The training will cover ArcPad from basic use to data management with enterprise system uses (see link below for details). Mr. Fowler is working with GeoMobile top provide the training, and is trying to spread the word to Texas GIS User Groups in order to lower the overall cost of the training and provide some savings for attendees. If you are interested, please contact Rell Fowler for more information: rfowler@pape-dawson.com (Rell Fowler, GISP Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. )

For more information and to view the training brochure, please click on the link below: