Monday, October 25, 2010

Good Monday Morning

Good Morning from north of the Red River. I hope everyone had a good weekend & for those of you that took a little longer weekend due to fall break I hope Monday goes easy on you. We are a month past the Oklahoma SCAUG conference & you would think that things are slowing down for the end of the year regarding GIS in the state. Not really, We are finishing up posting the presentations online, wading through surveys & getting ready for some other big GIS events coming up in the next month.

ESRI is holding a free Increase Productivity with ArcGIS 10 Seminar in Oklahoma City on Tuesday, November 9, 2010. Please take time to look at the registration page & consider attending if you haven't already registered. The event is a proven venue to show how you can benefit from the new functionality in ArcGIS. If you work with ESRI products at all you should probably attend this event to see what new tools you have in your GIS.
Here is the link to the online registration:

Another event that we are preparing for just a week later is GIS day at the Tulsa Community College on Tuesday, November 16, 2010. Registration is free to anyone. Please make plans to attend if you can. Click the link below to see what the event is about & to register if you would like the present or exhibit.

At the Regional SCAUG level we are gearing up for the San Antonio conference coming up early next year. Check the website often to stay current with the latest information regarding SCAUG.
Have a Safe & Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

The SCAUG Conference: Give and Receive

Call for Presentations
Have an interesting project you've been working on? Consider presenting at this year's conference. If your abstract is selected, you'll earn points towards GISP certification.

Check out these ESRI training courses being offered at the SCAUG Conference in April!
2-Day Classes:
Creating Effective Web Applications Using ArcGIS Server (12 seats)
What's New in ArcGIS Desktop 10 (12 seats)

Half-Day Workshops:
Building & Deploying Add-Ins for ArcGIS Desktop (20 seats)
ArcGIS 10 & Imagery (20 seats)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2011 SCAUG Conference

Registration is open for the 21st Annual South Central Arc User Group Conference!!! Come join us in San Antonio April 4 - 8, 2011 for a week of training, seminar and networking opportunities. Don't miss this year's event along the beautiful Riverwalk!

Monday, October 4, 2010

There is a Package for You!

The Map Package is a feature in the new ArcGIS 10. Basically, now in addition to saving a Layer (properties, labels, symbology) and a Layer Package (symbology, labels, and data) users have the ability to bundle up an entire Map Project. Click the Link to find out more:

Map Packages

Friday, October 1, 2010

OKSCAUG Conference was a HUGE Success

Greetings SCAUG Community,

The 13th Annual OKSCAUG Conference was a huge success! The OKSCAUG Steering Committe went above and beyond this year to give the attendees a great GIS experience. We had a record number of presentations on a variety of topics. Over 250 GIS people from across Oklahoma, Texas, Mississippi and Arkansas attended presentations, technical sessions and visiting with the many vendors on hand. Every one seemed to learn a lot and had a great time visiting with friends. We greatly appreicate everyone who participated in the conference. We look forward to seeing each of you back in Oklahoma next Fall.