There have been several things going on with GIS as of late. OKSCAUG just wrapped up one of our largest conferences ever with 18 vendors, over 280 attendees & all of our training classes were full. Please go check the website to download the presentation, posters, & technical sessions that were presented at the conference. OKSCAUG even provided supplemental training before the conference to address the requests for training. Here is a quick listing of upcoming events SCAUG is hosting, participating in or sponsoring. Hope to see you there.
Nov 10, 2011 - San Antonio GIS Day Meeting - San Antonio, TX
Nov 16, 2011 -GIS DAY Tulsa Community College - Tulsa, OKDec 6, 2011 - ESRI Workshop- Extend the Reach of Your GIS - NWC / Norman, OK
Dec 7-8, 2011 - ArcGIS Basics I Training - MNTC / Moore, OK
Jan 11-12, 2011 - ArcGIS Basics II Training - MNTC / Moore, OKFeb 15, 2012 - OKSCAUG Public Saftey User Group Meeting at Edmond