Wednesday, June 19, 2013

take advantage of the Free Career Posting at the new GeoJobsBiz Geo career Resource.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's Almost Esri UC Time!

Don't forget to do the following:

Plan your week
Build your own schedule online 
and viewour hand-picked 
offerings for your industryDon't 
forget to make room for some fun.
Register for the 5K Fun Run/Walk
on Wednesday morning and join
us on Thursday for An Evening
in Balboa Parkour exclusive
Esri International User Conference
(Esri UC) party at San Diego's iconic 
Balboa Park. Additional tickets are
 $50 each, and children ages 12 
and under are free. If you're bringing
your family to San Diego, register 
your kids for GIS Kids Camp, and
don't forget to stop by our free Family 
Night at the Exhibit Pavilion on 
Wednesday. Are you one of those 
people who constantly tinkers with 
apps? Do you find yourself regularly
looking at the source code behind 
your favorite web pages? Developer 
geeks wanted! At the 2013 Esri UC, 
we've organized an entire set of
sessions, resources, and events
just for you and other developers like you.

Friday, June 7, 2013

People Helping People; SCAUG Thank You!

The SCAUG family honors the victims and survivors of the recent May/June tornadoes and flooding in Oklahoma.  The devastation from the tornadoes, hail, and flooding the past three weeks throughout central Oklahoma have affected a great many people and changed many lives. Watching the outpouring of assistance from first responders, emergency managers, volunteers, and all kinds of people in Oklahoma and from many other parts of the world was glorious and enlightening! Another constant in our lives that we so often take for granted; the one of people helping people; family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and yes strangers! None of us regardless of obvious differences, economic status, politics, education level, health and well-being, has to go it alone when we come face to face with the many perils and devastation that come with the forces of nature. The SCAUG family with humility and grace says thank you to all the wonderful people wherever you are, who gave generously and unselfishly to help others during the most recent and urgent times of need. People Helping People - Thank you!