Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BP looking for experienced ArcGIS Desktop Specialists

Subject: Urgent Request: BP is looking for five experienced ArcGIS Desktop Specialists

Dear GISCorps Volunteers,

We have been asked to assist in providing five seasoned GIS professionals to help at the Deepwater Horizon Incident Command Center in Houma, Louisiana, an hour southwest of New Orleans. Please note that this is not a regular GISCorps mission since it's a "PAID" position. However, if willing, applicants can donate a part of their stipends back to GISCorps.

The following describes the requirements; IMPORTANT: if you cannot or do not meet all of these requirements, please do NOT respond to this request:

The applicants:

- must arrive in Houma, Louisiana TODAY (May 11th) or TOMORROW (May12th) "at the latest"

- must be able to stay for seven (7) consecutive days and be prepared to work for long hours

- must pay for their expenses and plan their own logistics to get to the site; you will be reimbursed for all expenses at a later time (must keep receipts)

- will be paid a stipend of $500 per day

- Extremely well versed in ArcGIS and all its applications especially ArcMap

- Having own hard ware and software (ArcGIS version 9.2 and higher) is preferred

- Experience in emergency response is highly desired

If you are qualified and can meet ALL the above conditions, send an email along with your latest resume to If you are seeing this information after May 13, please do not respond. Please let us know if you end up being selected for this project. We would love to follow up on the project with you.

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE