Monday, March 19, 2012

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Busy time of year...

Good Friday Afternoon,
Well we are a little over one week away from the 22nd Annual Regional SCAUG Conference in McAllen, TX. There have already been countless hours of time and effort put into this conference before the first attendee arrives. We hope you take time at some point in this conference to stop for a moment & appreciate the opportunity you have both personally & professionally to attend this event. Use your time wisely & go home from the event richer & more professionally equipped to do your job than ever.

On a local note, OKSCAUG hosted a booth this Wednesday ( March 14, 2012) at GIS day at the Oklahoma State Capitol. We are fortunate to have several excellent professionals on the OKSCAUG Committee. This resource allowed the booth to be attended constantly even though everyone working the SCAUG booth had their own booths to attend as well. It is a very committed & talented group that I am blessed to be associated with.

At the SCAUG booth we had over 160 contacts sign up for the free Kindle Touch give away. Troy Messer from McCloud, OK was the winner at the drawing held that day. OKSCAUG hosted bottled water & various give away items through the day. All in all it was a very productive day with many old faces & several new ones signing up as SCAUG contacts.

Have a good weekend & I hope to see you in McAllen. Be careful if you are traveling on Spring break:)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ethics Workshop for Geospatial Professionals

Tarrant County College and the University of Texas at Dallas are partnering to host a free half-day workshop for GIS professionals. This workshop will explore ethics in the geospatial and mapping field and will help you to better understand what ethical dilemmas you may face, and how to analyze and solve them.
The workshop will begin with discussions on what principles should be guiding your decisions, various approaches to defining ethics, and what role the various certification agencies play in promoting these guidelines. Next, real-world scenarios that may raise an ethical dilemma will be presented and through open discussion resolutions will be developed.
Attendees should come away with a better understanding of the meaning and practice of professional ethics, how this affects your day to day operations, and how to resolve ethical dilemmas that may present themselves.
Dr. Stuart B. Murchison, Ph.D., C.P., GISP
David W. Allen, GISP

Friday, March 9th
8:30 am to Noon
The Energy Auditorium at TCC’s Trinity River campus
300 Trinity Campus Circle, Ft. Worth

RSVP to to receive a parking pass
Mobile and the New GIS Revolution - The GIS industry and Web maps are on the verge of a revolution. Mobile is that revolution. Strong statements, but tracing the history; GIS applications first migrated from the desktop to the Web.nomenclature can be a time-consuming task. ESRI moved from ArcInfo, to ArcIMS and ArcGIS. On the Web Google introduced slippy maps and gobs of free data.