Monday, February 13, 2012

Upcoming SCAUG Events

Good Snowy Monday Morning from Oklahoma,

Hopefully everyone is enjoying a warm day in the office while watching the snow fall outside. Here is a quick update of the upcoming events around the SCAUG region that you might want to participate in.

OKSCAUG Public Safety User Group Meeting at Edmond, OK - February 15, 2012
111 have currently signed up with several still planning on signing up.
Please take a moment to view the event & sign up if you can.

Oklahoma GIS Day at the State Capitol / OKC, OK - March 14, 2012
2 floors of exhibits showcasing public, private, educational & various aspects of GIS throughout the state of Oklahoma. SCAUG will have a booth offering water & pop. Come by and see us.

22nd Annual Regional SCAUG Conference In McAllen, TX - March 26-30, 2012
Come see the resources McAllen, TX has to offer. Training seats are still available for several classes.
Register now online at :

I hope you have a good week,